While most of us prefer positive dog training and obedience lessons, as well as plenty of outdoor exercise such as long treks and Frisbee games, there may be instances when your dog is stressed out due to storm phobia or separation anxiety and exhibits indications of hyperactivity. Even if you are taking your dog to positive dog training classes and participating in dog sports such as agility, you may still have a hyperactive dog. This is where CBD comes in handy. It may help relax when your dog is frightened and anxious due to external stressors such as thunder, fireworks, natural disasters, or even a new canine in the house. CBD for pets can assist to prevent or reduce the severity of fearful behavior such as separation anxiety or storm phobia, as well as keep negative habits from becoming worse. CBD  is a non-psychoactive natural product that can be taken safely alongside other supplements on a daily basis to promote optimal pet health. Let’s understand the reasons why your dog could be agitated: 

Why is my dog so agitated?

Some breeds of dogs are more active than others. As a result, we'll go through why it's vital to consult with your positive dog trainer and veterinarian first to learn more about positive dog training alternatives and any health issues your dog may be experiencing.

Extravagant energy

Dogs are usually hyperactive because they do not get enough daily exercise. You can allow your dog to socialize with other dogs and burn off surplus energy by encouraging him to participate in dog sports and other training programs.

Pent-up dogs may exhibit excessive energy.

You'll sense that pent-up energy if your dog has been at home all day and isn't receiving enough off-leash exercise where he may run freely. A poor quality diet formula will also have a detrimental impact on your dog's behavior. Consider switching your dog's diet to high-quality dog food. Diets including low-quality dog food may contribute to health problems. You don't have to break the bank to feed your dog a healthy dog food formula. Regular off-leash exercise combined with dog walks, play, and dog sports results in a happy and content dog.

Usually accompanied by harmful behaviors

Anxious dogs who suffer from separation anxiety will pant, gallop about, and shake when left alone at home. They may also engage in disruptive activities such as digging, scratching, barking, or biting. Although progressive desensitization may be effective, cannabidiol for pets may assist your dog in recovering from acute anxiety. Your veterinarian and dog trainer can advise you on the benefits of utilizing CBD products meant for pets can considerably help them feel relaxed. 

What exactly is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the cannabinoids found naturally in cannabis plants. It is a 21-carbon terpenophenolic molecule that is created through decarboxylation of a cannabidiolic acid precursor, but it can also be synthesized," according to The World Health Organization (WHO) 1.  CBD oil, which does not produce the "high effect" associated with regular marijuana usage, has been found to be effective for a variety of health issues and disorders in both pets and humans. According to research, there is no dependency potential at all!

When selecting a CBD oil for your dog, check with a CBD certified veterinarian for assistance on which brands to purchase and what dosage to use with your dog. CBD assists your dog in relaxing and being pain-free. 

How does CBD works on pets?

Cannabinoid oil with endocannabinoid system interactions

When comparing CBD pet products, the most crucial factor to consider is whether the CBD product employs an isolate or a full spectrum oil. The most effective oil is full spectrum oil, which is extracted from the complete plant.

Using CBD Oil to Help a Hyper Dog

Combine CBD oil with greater activity, mental stimulation, and training. CBD oil is a safe, consistent, and effective way to boost relaxation and increase overall wellness.

CBD oil for hyper dogs helps to moderate their energy, resulting in a more steady and tranquil everyday state of being. A more relaxed dog should be more open to training via incentives, crates, habits, and responsible socialization—all of which help teach a healthy level of discipline.

CBD provides a solution that is superior to others due to its safety, stability, and capacity to supplement other tried-and-true soothing measures not to mention its more general wellness advantages.

What dosage of CBD oil should I feed my hyper dog?

For dogs first getting started with CBD oil, we recommend 0.5 to 1 mg per pound of body weight each day. Gradually raise their dose to 4 mg per pound as needed, or until you see significant changes in their health. While there is no official CBD dosage recommendation for dogs, there have been research to draw from.

A study on dogs with osteoarthritis published in Frontiers of Veterinary Science discovered that two daily doses of 2 mg of CBD per kg of body weight (or two daily doses of 1 mg per pound) resulted in significantly lower pain levels and an increase in activity compared to the placebo group over a four-week period. Another study discovered that a CBD dose of 1 mg/kg (0.5 mg per pound) reduced anxiety levels in rats during a social interaction test.

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