Hormonal imbalance in the woman- to say the least, is not only difficult but takes a heavy toll on a woman’s body and makes them go through a never-ending rollercoaster ride. Not being able to sleep, having extreme mood swings, irregular periods, having hormonal acne, and emotional turmoil are some of the common symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Every woman will experience these at some point in their life. It could happen to them during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation or menopause. Our general knowledge of the endocrine system is poor with most women only stopping to think about their hormones only during pregnancy or menopause. The symptoms of the hormonal imbalance might be common but if they are not addressed, it can cause serious health issues.

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Hormonal imbalance isn’t just limited to women but happens in men too but in different ways and in different degrees as well. However, on this page, we will limit our information to and around women and the issues they face during hormonal imbalance and how CBD or cannabidiol oil India can help women with this.

What exactly are Hormones?

For those who are not well-versed in hormones, let’s first talk about what they are. They are chemical messengers which are sent from endocrine glands to receptor sites in the tissues and organs where they cause changes to take place. Hormones might be small but they are essential for all bodily processes hence, even a slight deficiency or excess of a particular hormone can have a noticeable effect on your overall well-being. This can trigger serious health conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, PCOS and more.

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Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

As stated above, hormonal imbalance occurs when your hormones are not at their optimal levels and due to this, even the smallest imbalance can cause you to face unwanted effects:

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  • ● Excessive sweating
  • ● Weight loss or gain
  • ● Heavy or Irregular periods
  • ● Insomnia
  • ● Headaches
  • ● Mood swings
  • ● Blurred vision
  • ● Fatigue
  • ● Vaginal dryness
  • ● Hair loss or hair change
  • ● Vaginal atrophy
  • ● Pain during sex
  • ● Dry skin
  • ● Acne on the face, chest, or upper back
  • ● Changes in blood pressure or heart rate

Note: This is not an exhaustive limit as symptoms of hormonal imbalance can vary depending on the glands and hormones that have been affected.

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How could CBD help in this?

First of all, one must understand that all of us have an endocannabinoid system which plays a role in maintaining balance in the body. It is known to regulate the stress hormone cortisol, sleep hormone-melatonin mood, memory, fertility, bone growth, pain, sex hormone estrogen and the immune system and is closely linked to the endocrine system. CBD has cannabinoid in it that is capable of stimulating the endocannabinoid system.

Let us take you through the process of how it works:

To understand how CBD or cannabidiol oil India can positively interact with the endocrine system to help balance hormones, let’s take a look at how it works.

  1. ECS and hormone: The endocannabinoid system(ECS) works with our immunological, neurological, and endocrine systems to manage essential bodily functions like stress, emotion, sleep, pain, inflammation, metabolism, digestion, memory, reproduction, and hormones. The endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors found throughout our bodies.
  2. The CB1 and CB2 receptors are two kinds of cannabinoid receptors that are significant in the ECS. Endocannabinoids cause these receptors, which are present in most of the glands throughout the body, to get activated. The central nervous system has CB1 receptors, which are largely found in the brain and spinal cord as well as in some organs and tissues. CB2 receptors involve the Peripheral nervous system which is crucial in the fight against inflammation. They are primarily located in the spleen, tonsils, and white blood cells.

    When phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, are taken, they supercharge our ECS and create a state of homeostasis that is optimal for all areas of functional wellness. CBD does interact with cannabinoid receptors in the ECS but indirectly.

  3. Cortisol and CBD: When something stressful happens, the body sends the stress hormone cortisol a signal. Although a tiny spike in this hormone during an emergency may be helpful, if it is happening all the time, it isn't good. When you are anxious, it can make us perceive certain situations as potentially dangerous. CBD is the most effective stress reliever because of its anti-anxiety properties. Via the hypothalamic CB1 receptors, CBD has the ability to stop the stress response, which in turn prevents the production of cortisol.
  4. Growth hormone and CBD: Our bodies' natural processes of growth and development are controlled by the growth hormone (GH). This is usually done through the signalling of cell reproduction and regeneration. Increased growth hormone may result in more energy, the more muscular mass, and stronger bones. Studies state that long-term CBD consumption may have an impact on GH.
  5. Insulin and Cannabidiol: A hormone called insulin regulates how much energy is used and stored. It assists in controlling our metabolism, which affects our weight and energy. Our muscles and liver efficiently utilize sugar when our insulin levels are normal, leaving little sugar for fat storage. Diabetes and weight gain are brought on by high insulin levels. According to certain studies, CBD can lower high insulin levels and maintain low blood sugar. It might encourage the liver and muscle cells to effectively absorb sugar and balance blood sugar. Although it hasn't been proven, it's likely that CBD may aid in weight loss by lowering insulin levels.
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But, how to choose the right CBD?

One can only see the benefits of CBD if one chooses the right CBD. Hence, it is extremely important to do your own research into the types of products available in the market.

  • ● CBD comes in different forms; oil, soft gel, and balm to name a few and comes in varying strengths.
  • ● Always look for full-spectrum products as these ones contain all the cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant. As it is naturally present in hemp, it helps to balance your hormones.
  • ● With CBD oil, consistency is key and could help you to maintain a sustained level of CBD in your system that in turn promotes an effective endocannabinoid system.

One could also take a video or call consultation from a Hempstrol team of doctors who are certified and knowledgeable in this field before you buy cbd oil india online. They will take into account your medical history before recommending you a product.


For all the reasons stated above, CBD is increasingly being cited as a natural treatment option for hormone problems. It is true that hormonal imbalances can be incredibly overwhelming but products like CBD oil may help you navigate your way out of the pain you are going through.

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