Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, like most excellent things in life, has an expiration date. But when does CBD oil expire, and what factors influence its shelf life? High-quality CBD oil can be costly, and if you don't enjoy wasting money (like us), you should definitely be concerned about the product's durability. If you only use a few drops each day, a bottle of CBD oil could last you several months before you need to replace it with either CBD Soft gels.  Cannabinoids deteriorate and lose potency over time. This means that using expired CBD oil will not provide you with the full therapeutic benefits of the product. Here are the answers to some frequently asked issues, such as when CBD products expire and how to extend their shelf life.

Factors that affect the shelf life of CBD oil

The shelf life of  CBD Soft gels is determined by several factors as well as how it is stored. Understanding the factors that affect the shelf life of your CBD oil will help you prevent the damage thereby, allowing your CBD oil to last longer. 

Here's a closer look at what impacts the shelf life of CBD oil and what you can do to keep it fresh.

Quality: Unsurprisingly, higher-quality products last longer. This is determined by factors like growing circumstances (where the strain was grown), plant quality and ingredients added to it. What's in CBD oil is important since each ingredient has its own shelf life, which might affect the entire product's longevity. 

The extraction procedure: The carbon dioxide extraction process is regarded as the gold standard. It increases the amount of CBD — and other cannabinoids if we're talking full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD oil — extracted from the plant. It also helps to keep the compounds stable.

Packaging: Do you know why good quality CBD oil comes in amber bottles? Even, Hempstrol which happens to be India’s premier hemp company and from where you can get cbd softgels online delivery packs their CBD oil in amber glass bottles. Those amber bottles serve the purpose of keeping CBD oil fresher for longer. The proper packing protects the oil from air and sun exposure.

Storage: According to research, heat and light cause CBD to degrade, which is why knowing how to store CBD is essential. Storing at the right place can assure CBD oil is able to retain its effectiveness and freshness for a longer period of time.

How do I get to know that my CBD oil has gone bad?

The bottle should have an expiration date that indicates whether or not it is past its prime. However, expiration dates aren't an exact science, labels might fall off, and you don't always want to put on your glasses to read the fine print. This is when your senses come into play. If you are noticing these signs, it is a clear indication that your CBD oil has gone bad:

Has a strange odour: Fresh CBD oil should smell earthy and not at all nasty. If you happen to come across an old bottle of CBD oil, a quick glance and whiff should tell you if it's still good to go.

It looks murky and dense: This is not to be confused with hazy, which can occur if the oil has been stored in a cold environment or refrigerator. A few minutes at room temperature should remove any cloudiness and restore the oil's original viscosity and colour. Thickness and blackness, on the other hand, are indicators of deterioration.

It has a rotten flavour: CBD oil, unless artificially flavoured, is typically described as "nutty," "earthy," or "grassy." Even if you don't like these flavours, the taste should be enjoyable. Expired CBD oil, on the other hand, will taste "off," as do most other oils.

So, how should I exactly store it?

CBD oil is sensitive to changes in air, light, and temperature, correct storage is thereby essential if you want to maintain the efficacy of CBD and it starts with 

the proper container. Good quality CBD oil is typically packaged in medical grade, airtight black glass bottles, and for good reason. The dark glass decreases light exposure and aids with temperature regulation. The lid prevents excess oxygen and other harmful pollutants from entering and affecting freshness and speeding up expiry. Along with storing it in the proper container, here are some other suggestions for preserving the freshness of your CBD oil:

  • To avoid unwanted air exposure, keep CBD oil in its original package.

  • Store the oil in a dark, out-of-the-way location, such as a pantry, cupboard, or closet.

  • Keep oil away from potential heat or cold sources such as windows, radiators, air conditioners, and stoves.

  • To avoid germs and other contaminants in the container, use a clean dropper or spoon every time you use CBD oil.

  • Always make sure to properly close the bottle after use to keep air out

So we are saying,

The normal shelf life of CBD oil is one to two years. By educating yourself about the ways you can prevent your CBD oil from getting bad, you can extend the life of your product. 

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