You have recently got CBD oil for dogs or for your other pets but when you come home later you realise you have no idea how to store CBD-based products goods. Should you keep it in the open or should you refrigerate CBD oil? You're not sure how keeping CBD oil in the fridge will impact the oil, but perhaps the refrigerator or freezer will work. Maybe the pantry? But it's been hot lately, and you're unsure of whether CBD should be stored at a particular temperature or even if it matters. That's a lot of questions to ponder upon.

There are many things to know about CBD oil for dogs to ensure your pet get to see the health benefits you are hoping them to experience. Here we will get to understand how you should be storing CBD oil for dogs. 

For exactly how long does CBD oil last and what I can do to increase the shelf life?

Naturally, the shelf lives of various products will vary, but CBD oil for dogs typically has a shelf life of 12 to 24 months. So many factors, including heat and sunlight exposure influence how quickly a product expires. Even where you choose to keep CBD oil will also affect the longivity of your CBD oil and to ensure it last as long as possible. Let's understand these factors in detail:

Temperature: It is not advisable to expose a product excessively to extreme temperatures, whether it is extreme cold and heat.

Light:  Your CBD products must not be exposed to direct sunlight. You should keep your oil out of the direct sun's path and away from windows and other glass surfaces.

Humidity:  Similar to how excessive heat can potentially ruin CBD oil, moisture and humidity can affect the quality and safety of your CBD by creating mould. 

Exposure to air:  Too much air can also break down several natural cannabinoids, including CBD, much as too much light and heat. 

Should CBD oil Be Refrigerated?

CBD oil will keep just well in the refrigerator but w hen in doubt, read the bottle's instructions for storage.  In reality, CBD oil product fares best in conditions with temperatures below 70 °F. For customers who intend to keep their CBD-based products for a long time, refrigeration might be a wise decision. But, this is not because of the lower temperature.

The two main factors that speed up the breakdown of CBD oil are light and oxygen. For protection against spoilage, customers may decide to keep their CBD products in the freezer. Some experts suggest that when you buy cbd oil for dogs India, it should be kept in the fridge, it is kept out of the sun and in an airtight atmosphere.  Although technically possible, freezing your CBD oil is not advised as a means of preserving your product. 

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