Every product in the market has to pass the legality test to ensure its survival. The fact that the manufacture of CBD oil in India involves the THC compound raises fundamental concerns in our clients' minds. Therefore, there arises a need to address legality and clear any ambiguity that persists in the minds of a buyer. 


The THC compound or tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary cause of concern that threatens to challenge the oil’s legality. The sensation of what is socially called 'high' is experienced due to cannabinoid THC. It is important to note that CBD oil in India contains meager amounts of cannabinoid THCs that are legal and permissible in most countries all across the world. The requirement of low levels of THCs is met by oil extraction facilitated by the Hemp plant. The reason CBD oil that is derived from Marijuana is not legal is that it contains THCs well beyond the permissible limits. 

CBD Derived from Industrial Hemp under 0.3% THC

By the standards set by the FDA, not more than 0.3% THC should be present either in the cannabis or its derivatives. Due to a THC level within the contours of the percentage above, Hemp is able to acquire its legal status in most parts of the globe. In light of the deficient THC levels, the oil cannot stimulate any form of 'high' whatsoever. It has many uses, including its use in beauty and skincare products, followed by CBD oil in clothing and even cooking ingredients. The use of Hemp extracted CBD oil is legal in the United States of America and India. Hence, the question of legality stands to be answered. 


CBD for Humans as well as Pets

Hempstrol’s Hemp extract is the best choice to acquire CBD oil, with assured quality and protection. This is Hempstrol’s signature product that is derived by using the CO2 extraction technique. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, among other things, helps one avail various therapeutic benefits. This multi-use character trait makes it exclusive and helps the oil to stand out in the market. Hempstrol products counter the pains of menstruation as Hempstrol’s  Menstrual Cramp Relief oil is a blend that gives the comfort of your home in light of the pandemic. The organic nature makes it all the more effective.  It contains the Himalayan Hemp seed oil followed by aromatic and therapeutic Himalayan Lavender oil. 
Not just on humans but CBD has shown significant improvements in Pet health as well. As our Pet companions age, they tend to develop chronic conditions such as joint arthritis, diabetes, epilepsy, and cancer. A lot of dogs and cats also suffer from depression and anxiety issues such as car rides, storms, or firework phobias.
Cannabidiol can alleviate these issues too. Our four-legged companions have an endocannabinoid system built inside their bodies. So, their body is equipped to handle cannabidiol and other cannabinoids and derive benefits in the same way we do. managing pain, seizures, and alleviating anxiety and depression in dogs and cats According to a handful of clinical studies, CBD has been very effective in controlling pain, seizures and helping pets cope with phobias. 
However, dogs and cats need pet-specific products, which contain appropriate concentrations of cannabinoids. Pet CBD oil or extract needs to be applied regularly to keep chronic conditions in check while issues caused by specific events such as firework shows or car rides, need to be administered a couple of hours before the event takes place. 

Best CBD Oil in India

The nature of one's consumption determines the utility of a product. Any product can be used as a health enhancer or poison, depending upon its end-use. The same is the case with Hemp extracts. They have massive potential to do a lot of good to the community, but we can decide if we wish to trigger its bright or dark sides. In this case, the difference lies in the quantum of dosage that is administered. A controlled amount of consumption can do wonders, but a careless amount could have destructive impacts. Therefore, the choice is yours. Use it wisely. 

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