Cbd for Depression: Does It Work, or Is It Just a Fad?
In recent years, CBD has received a lot of attention for all the right reasons. It is mainly because of its ability to ease pain and cause relaxation. In the west, it has become widely popular as a treatment for anxiety, and if recent researches are to be believed, it can help in improving depression. Interest in the potential mental health uses of CBD has grown tremendously in recent years, including the use of CBD for depression. According to research on humans, CBD may also be helpful for conditions like anxiety or panic disorder that are frequently linked to depression.
Depression and anxiety disorders are common mental health conditions that can have lasting effects on a person’s health and overall well-being.
If you and your friend or any other known person showing symptoms of depression, read on to learn more about what exactly CBD is, how it works and whether it is safe to consume or not.
What exactly is CBD?
CBD or Cannabidiol is one of over 400 chemicals found in the cannabis Sativa plant, which is also sometimes referred to as hemp. Another equally famous compound is THC. Though both of these compounds are derived from the same plant, they have somewhat different effects once they are in the body. THC can cause feelings of euphoria and relaxation due to the psychoactive properties it comes with, and CBD effects are less dramatic but also provide relaxation and pain relief.
In which areas can CBD really help?
As per recent studies, researchers have found that CBD may help in treating the following medical conditions such as
Chronic Pain
Alzheimer’s disease
Anxiety disorders
If you are currently taking medication for depression, consult with your psychiatrist or healthcare to take CBD with your existing medications

Why should I consider CBD for depression; is there any research on it?
Before discussing how CBD functions, you must know that Serotonin impacts a range of functions, including a person’s emotional state and feelings of well-being. Balance of serotonin levels is often a key therapy for people with depression. As per the studies, CBD has been shown to alter serotonin levels in the brain, which further helps to improve depression. For those who do not know, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is involved in emotion regulation, mood, and stress. Now let’s look at the several research studies that have looked at whether CBD can help with depression.
CBD has helped to reduce helplessness which is a common symptom of depression. Another research states that CBD helps to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. In one of the 2019 studies, it was seen people were able to stop taking all substances. So more research is needed to know for sure CBD is an effective treatment for depression. Studies have shown that consumption of CBD oil may help in alleviating depression by altering serotonin levels in the brain. Experts have recommended that CBD products that contain a high level of CBD and a low level of THC have been found to be most effective for depression.
Note: There are few studies that suggest that CBD can interfere with the effects of other medications and cause side effects. Thus, it is best to talk to your physician before taking these products.
Is CBD safe?
In general, CBD is considered safe for humans, but like other medications and supplements, it can cause side effects which usually involve: dry mouth, low blood pressure, drowsiness, and lightheadedness. If the CBD oil price in India is on the higher side, it is generally considered safe as it is assumed that they must have opted for the potent extraction method.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and people with liver disease, it is not recommended to take CBD oil. And, always speak to your doctor before taking CBD with any medication
What if I become addicted to CBD?
Addiction means continuing to use a substance despite it causing you negative problems in a person’s life. As stated above, CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive properties. It is the THC that has psychoactive properties meaning it can cause you high. As per the WHO, there is no evidence that CBD can cause dependence or misuse. If you have concerns about the addictive potential of CBD, book an online medical consultation with Hempstrol to know whether CBD is right for you.
The Bottom Line
As you have seen, studies on CBD reveal it may be a helpful treatment for depression. Many people claim CBD eases feelings of depression. But, more research is needed to come up with a final conclusion and to suggest a proper dosage. CBD is generally considered safe and non-addictive, but like with everything, consultation is required. Hempstrol provides online medical consultation, which you can book and get your doubts cleared with our cannabis-certified clinicians. Hempstrol has different products under its belt, such as CBD oil, aromatherapy, etc, which our onboard doctors will prescribe and help you buy cbd oil after taking into account your medical history.