Skin and pain management balm
Super Potency
1000 MG
C02 Extraction
100% Non-Psychoactive
Raw and Organic
No Preservative and Additives
Bottle Size: 125 ml Glass Balm Jar
Packaging: Biodegradable Jute Potli Bags
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# Time required to prepare order for shipment is one day.
Average delivery time
# Average time required for delivery after shipment is usually 4-5 working days.

Made in Colorado, USA, Hempstrol’s Premium Skin and Pain Management Balm has been developed with strong research and proven ingredients for physical ailments. This CBD Balm contains 1000 MG of synergistic cannabidiol potency to help you heal completely. This Full Spectrum Balm is made by our finest hemp extractors who have experience of more than 25 years.

What does CBD balm contain?
Knowing what you're putting on your skin is important to ensure you are not using any formulation which contains unsafe ingredients which can waste your ton of money as well as time. Hempstrol’s CBD pain relief balm contains:
PepperMint Extract, 1000 MG Full Spectrum Cannabinoids, Omega 3:6 Protein, Magnesium, Organic Colorado Beeswax, African Shea Butter, Vitamin C, D & E. All of them are natural and organic and don't contain fillers.
Does CBD balm help with back pain?
Backache is highly common amongst people from 25 and above and is becoming increasingly difficult to tackle with normal balm. Even though pain medication may help, finding a natural alternative that heals these problems is important. CBD balm is a common topical method to resolve various health issues, including back pains. In most cases, CBD balm can help by numbing or alleviating the pain in the affected area. It has both anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving pain. In addition, studies suggest it may help relieve inflammation, which is a factor in chronic back pain in most cases. CBD is available in various forms; topical creams, gels, and balms have shown promising results for inflammation and neuropathy, which may make them a good option for back and neck pain. Hempstrol has the best Full Spectrum Cannabidiol oil India and Topical CBD Balms in India. Our products come with a detailed Certificate of Analysis and are delivered all over India in 4-5 working days. We are happy to serve you if you're looking to buy CBD oil India.

How to Choose the Best CBD Balm?
As CBD is becoming the first choice of many people who are looking for a remedy that can heal and provide them relief from pain, there are various CBD-based products available on the market. Therefore, it is important to choose the right product, and the criteria for it are as follows:
A Third Party verified lab certificate for authenticity.
Hemp should be sourced from trusted farms grown in an indoor setup that ensures it is highly rich in Cannabinoids.
Contains Full Spectrum Cannabidiol oil India which has less than 0.3% THC content.
There should be no additives or preservatives.
The CBD oil manufacturer in India should be experienced just like Hempstrol where our hemp extractors have more than 25 years of experience. All our products adhere to the above-mentioned criteria and therefore offer some of the best CBD Balm in India and we also offer the right CBD oil price in India.
Is Hemp Balm & CBD Balm the same?
No, CBD balm is very different from hemp balm because CBD Balm contains cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN, and Hemp Balm is made from the seeds of Cannabis sativa, which does not contain CBD. However, if we talk of topical methods, CBD balm is a better alternative because it contains valuable moisturizing properties that can soothe dry, irritated skin without clogging the pores. Also, CBD Balm is more potent in healing and giving you relief from body aches.

Is CBD Balm effective on Frozen Shoulder and Feet pain?
As CBD balm is gaining popularity, people are experimenting with the balm by applying it on different parts of their body to see whether it can treat and heal the pain. If studies are to believed, it is an effective option for frozen shoulder and feet pain owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Sportsman can also use CBD pain relief balm for pain management. Hempstrol’s powerful formulation can help in joint pains due to Arthritis as well. A study from 2020 claimed it may help with arthritis symptoms by targeting the cells that drive inflammation.
How to use CBD balm in the right way?
CBD balms are meant to be applied topically and directly to a localized point of soreness or pain. Under no circumstances it is to be applied on the face. It is important to know CBD balms are often thick, almost solid, and waxy, and for easy absorption, you need to ensure it comes under room temperature. Take some part of the balm in your palm, rub it between your hands that will make it slightly soft and warm, and then apply directly on the affected area to get relief from body ache. It induces calmness and due to this, it can easily become a relaxing part of your bedtime routine.

Where should I store the CBD balm?
CBD is a complex chemical compound and like other chemical compounds, if exposed to heat can lead to a chemical imbalance in the product. CBD pain relief balm needs to be stored properly to ensure its potency doesn’t get affected and to avoid it from going bad. The ideal storage conditions for a CBD product are to store in a cool, dry place, away from heat and light. These factors can affect the potency or the quality of a CBD product hence, it is essential to store CBD balm, and other products, away from excessive heat.
One might wonder why the balm has a super greasy texture, it has been developed so that it can easily absorb into the skin and enter the bloodstream to give you relief from body ache.
Due to FDA regulations, no hemp extract manufacturer is allowed to make health claims about CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN products. We encourage all our customers to research the widely available information online regarding the compounds found in therapeutic hemp. With the benefits of CBD getting famous day by day, many CBD oil manufacturer in India have jumped the bandwagon and started selling CBD under the pretext of containing CBD oil with low THC. As an informed customer, you should ask for a certificate of analysis from the seller to ensure they are selling you a quality product before you buy CBD oil India.